September 09, 2012

My Personal Identity

Hello... I want to introduce myself.
My name is Tina Rahmawati. My nick name is Tina. According to my parents, the meaning of my name is because I was born on fasting month. I was born on March 9th 1994 in Kuningan. I come from Ciawigebang - Kuningan. I graduated from SMAN 1 Ciawigebang in 2012. Then, I continue my study at IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon. My department is English Department Education of Tarbiyah Faculty. I'm class PBI-C. My reason why me choose this department because I like English and my parents also support me to choose this department. Beside that, English is important in era globalization, because English is International language. So, we can communicate with other people in the world. I hope I am mastering English and being a good English teacher.
Thats all, thank you..

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